
Highway One Southbound. The car with Manitoba plates just in front of Dan & Felicity was crawling waaaay under the posted signage, and refused to pull out. When gesturing didn't work, Dan created an opportunity for the 10 cars behind to motor by. (Think scooter rally.) It was spectacular, and safe. Well done!



After coffee and orange juice at breakfast, Jason ponders his options. The building was locked.




Just outside of Cloverdale, Kirk experienced what seemed like an electromagnetic disturbance. All of the lights went on by themselves, got progressively brighter and then everything went dead. Bill was following and noted the brake lights came on and slowly got ridiculously bright. "How is he doing that?" Standing around, Kirk mentioned an odd smell he noticed the day before... and a quick inspection of the battery (radiating a ridiculous amount of heat and oozing liquid) confirmed the internal regulator had overcharged the battery to the point of failure. Nick ran to town for a battery. Once in and the alternator unplugged, Kirk was back on the road minus some lights and a few gauges.


The smell was overpowering.


Last Year's Spirit of the Dirtbag winner Carl and Gwen Ermert


Back on One after the post-lunch bonus section, we ran into a little paving delay. It also recapped the tires with a slippery slurry of asphalt that took a while to wear off.

Spiffing up for the banquet


In previous years we've stopped in Stinson Beach to use the restrooms for changing. This year we found a driveway off the road to Bolinas.



Then and now.

The rear seat and ample luggage space came in handy for the Fox-Hunts thanks to a blown headgasket on the yellow 510.

click above for the end of the 2010 California Melee