The hardtuned 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale

After several years of running around with a primer white front corner, broken windshield, and bondo cracks in the driver's door, it was time to make it all one color. Red was the original, but there are plenty of red Alfa Romeos out there. My first thought was Celeste (a very light) blue, but in researching original paint codes, I came across Azurro Spazio, a very light green-ish shade and I was hooked. Plus it's similar to Bianchi green, which I love. For paint, the car went to Vince Martinucci, and his "Classic Coachman" shop in San Carlos CA. Vince is primarily a one-man-show, so this wasn't on a production-paint time frame.

The Color: Azurro Spazio


Exploration before priming





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